Friday, August 15, 2014

Delve - Teal

Yeah, we're not quite done with Delve just yet.  Next up, a supporting character in many of Bree's misadventures:

Teal is a slime girl and a native of Delve.  Eternally chipper, Teal is always willing to lend a helping hand to both friends and strangers alike.  Later in the series she learns how to exorcise demons through the power of love.  No seriously, she once turned a demon into a butterfly just by hugging him.

Teal's making a splash on this blog!
That fish don't know how good its got.
Sometimes you just need to stop for a good read.
Now that's a rat pack

Teal and Bree just can't help falling for you.
Really there isn't much of anything I can add to this.

A reasonable stance.  How shall Teal sway the god of rat death?

Whelp!  Can't argue with that!
You are in a D&D spoof ecchi series.  You ain't going nowhere for awhile.

"Noooo!  It burns!  I can taste sunshine and meadows!"

Honestly this does look like a lot of fun.

Never though I'd be envious of a miniature triclops.

Linkage (NSFW):


  1. Wow...She looks like a lot of fun. :-D Between her and Bree, Delve looks like an incredibly awesome series. :-D

    1. Yesssss. You should check it out for the massive levels of "plot."

  2. Glowy green skin is kind of really hot. XD

    1. And green skin in general. I guess we just like our multi-chromatic women.

    2. I'll drink to that. Blink, Mystique, She-Hulk. All lovely. :D

    3. Indeed indeed! To mulit-colored women, cheers!
