Friday, August 22, 2014

Blindsprings - Tamaura

Once upon a time there was a girl who lived in the forest.  A kind and innocent girl who lived under the wardship of the fae.  She was never allowed to leave the forest and she knew nothing of what was happening in the outside world.  But that was fine, for she had her duties.  Then one day boy came into the woods.  The two became friends and he swore he'd save her from her "captors."  However, breaking a covenant to the fae holds consequences and when the boy returns years later and rescues the girl against her will everything she has worked to protect is now at risk.

To remedy the damage done, the girl made a new contract but one that will put her on a dangerous road.  Now the girl must navigate not only the machinations of the fae but also the politics of a city three hundred years after her time.

In short, Blindsprings is a fantasy drama series chalk full of political and mythical intrigue.  Started relatively recently as of this writing, it's still more than worth a read.  (first comic)

Tamaura is the main protagonist of Blindsprings and a very caring individual.  Having lived in the forest for the past three centuries she's more than a little discombobulated by how much has changed.  While not carefree per say, for a time she did seem content and free spirited.  Now she must deal with the burden of the fae's new covenant and trying to figure out how to navigate in a strange new world.



  1. Ooh, this sounds like a very neat premise, with cool storybook-styled artwork! Man, there's too many comics I need to read. XD

    1. Take your time. The internet is full of creative things and it takes time to go through even a fraction of them. ;)

  2. :-) Yeah it does seem like a great premise. Tamaura is really cute. ^_^

    1. Indeed! You just kind of want to hug her and make certain bad things don't happen to her, y'know?
