Friday, May 23, 2014

Roza: the Cursed Mage - Roza

This week we get away from slapstick slice of life and make move into high fantasy.  Roza, or Roza: the Cursed Mage, is a webcomic about a raven haired girl with trying to lift a curse that was placed on her long ago.  The nature of this curse gives her an affinity for manipulating fire but is highly unpredictable and makes anything flammable her blood touches catch fire. 

Unfortunately as of this writing Roza has been on hiatus since June, 2013 but what's there is definitely worth a read, especially if you're a fan of free spirited barefoot girls.  (First page.)

The titular character  Roza is a wanderer with a bit of mischievous side.  It is not entirely clear how she got her curse although she definitely wants rid of it sooner rather than later.  She has a very gypsy-esque appearance, including the tendency to go barefoot most of the time and on the occasions she does wear shoes circumstance often conspires for her footwear to get conveniently lost.


  1. Wow she looks awesome. This looks like a fun series too. ^_^ Barefoot gypsy type characters rule. :-) Great find Hrar. :-)

    1. Glad ya like! This webcomic is one of the four that inspired me to start this blog in the first place. The other three are yet to come. ;)

      Also yes, barefoot gypsy type characters are awesome. ^^

    2. O_O I'm really looking forward to seeing what the other 3 series are.

    3. You shan't have to wait long. The second one will be coming two weeks from now, on the first update of May.
