Friday, May 2, 2014

Introduction: Another Darn Foot Blog?

Hello, and welcome to quite possibly the most niche blog on the internet.

The purpose of this place is simply to find, catalog, and perhaps give some exposure to the feet of webcomic women.  Now I know what you're thinking;  "Really?  Another foot lover blog?  Webcomic women?  Seriously man?"  The answers are yes, yes, yes, and hear me out.

There are hundreds of thousands if not millions of webcomics out there and the number only continues to grow with every month.  Some of them are anime inspired, some are comic book inspired, some meld classical and modern styles to create something new altogether.  And some of have really cute girls with really cute feet.  Hey, don't judge me.  I just appreciate how much effort it takes to draw a good looking foot is all.  *cough*  

Moving on.  The problem is that there's almost no place (that I've found anyway) that really pays tribute to female feet in webcomics.  There are sites and blogs for anime feet, superhero feet, real world celebrity feet, Saturday morning cartoon feet, ect., but none for webcomics.  So if I cannot find one, then I might as well make one, no?  

Before we begin, a word of warning: some of the sites linked here are most deffinately not safe for work, however any group of links leading to a NSFW site will be marked with a red (NSFW).  Images posted directly to this blog will be as safe for work as possible.

Also since most of these webcomics are still ongoing, I'll edit pages every now and again to update the links.

Now without further ado let's get started...


  1. Hey Hfar!

    Welcome to the club! I really like the idea of posting web comic characters feet rather than the typical mainstream ones, It puts a whole different spin on the concept, I look forward to your future posts!

    Be sure to return the favour and check out my own blog.

    Heres the link:



    1. Thanks for swinging by and glad you like the concept! And I'll make certain to swing by your blog sometime. It looks diverse but very well organized.

  2. :-D Really cool. I'll definitely be checking out this blog a lot. Looking forward to seeing your posts Hfar. ^_^

    1. Thank you kindly! Expect updates on Friday, unless something changes in my schedule.
