Friday, May 2, 2014

Ménage à 3 - Zii

Now here's one some of you might have heard about.  For those who might not have, Ménage à 3 in the broadest of terms is a "sitcom webcomic" based in Montreal.  It starts off with Gary, a 29 year old socially awkward geek, suddenly finding himself in need of two new apartment mates after his two current ones decide to get an apartment just for the two of them and make sweet homoerotic music together.  Luckily, or unluckily for the girl shy Gary, his two new apartment mates are two gals who are going to turn his world upside down. (First page.)

Most of the posts on this blog will be one series per post but Ménage à 3 has so many foot scenes between so many characters that I felt the need to break it up into three posts.  Anywho, first up it's:

Suzi, or Zii as she prefers to be called, is one of Gary's room mates, an aspiring musician, and a shameless flirt.  She swings both ways and has the prowess to bag virtually anyone she wants, although she does operate from a personal sense of ethics.  Oh, and one of her "sweet spots" is her toes.  Make of that what you will. ;)

Linkage (NSFW): (different artist but one who works on the same site)


  1. O_O This series is new to me but it seems like it could be really fun. Zii is definitely really hot. I like the goth/punk look she has going on. Some great barefoot moments involving her too.

    1. Indeed! It seems like Zii tends to get the most barefoot scenes out of all the characters! ^_^
