Friday, June 13, 2014

Seed - Dominique

Sixty years ago the king of the desert city of Celastin grew jealous of those who practiced magic and outlawed all practice of the mystic arts within his kingdom.  Those found practicing magic are all given one sentence: death.  Now Celastin stands ready to conquer its neighbors with the express purpose of eradicating all magic in the world.

During the time of these mage hunts, a young blue-skinned girl from across the sea searches for a goddess who disappeared many years ago.  She finds herself hunted by the soldiers of Celastin but aided by friends in unexpected places.  However she will need all the help she can get for it is not just her god that has disappeared....  (first page)


The ever cheerful protagonist of the series, Dominique heralds from the tribe of the green skinned Atrier, who make their home west across the sea from Celastin.  Her origin is a bit of a mystery to her people as she was simply found in the temple of the Atrier goddess on her holy day.  She doesn't remember who her parents are, where she comes from, nor why her skin is blue rather than green like other Atrier.  It is her hope that her journey to find the goddess will yield some answers.


Artist's DA:


  1.'re really recommending a lot of great web series for me to check out Hfar. The artwork in this one is really beautiful. Dominique looks really cute. Another really great post. :-)

    1. Thank ye KSC! Part of the reason I started this blog was to get people interested in reading these webcomics. To hear that at least one person is interested feels good! :D

  2. The artwork is outstanding. Four fingers and toes don't appeal to me personally, but they're still drawn very well!

    1. That it is! And yeah I could see that about the four digits thing. I think it for me I don't really get bothered unless it's super pronounced, like if the fingers are really long. Hope you enjoy the rest of the webcomic though! :D
