Friday, June 27, 2014

Rusty and Co. - Ezra

Okay so stop me if you've head this: a rust monster, a mimic, and a gelantinous cube walk into a dungeon...sounds like the setup to a bad Dungeons & Dragons joke, doesn't it?  Actually it's the premise to a D&D spoof comic about three monsters forming their own adventuring party.  Because why not?

Of course being a monster adventuring party they find themselves up against equally bizarre challenges along the way, including drunk bottle fairies, plaid bearded land pirates, and mobster illithids.  Light fun and by no means for those who want a super serious story.  (first page)

One pair of antagonists our heroes must face in their journey is two vampire siblings whose "real names are in a really obscure tongue you've probably never heard of."  Yep.  Hipster vampires.  And you thought the undead were horrifying before.

The female sibling (nicknamed "Ezra" by Mimic) is constantly searching for interesting and non-mainstream experiences to alleviate the boredom of her existence.  Blood thirsty and incredibly cocky, Ezra is more than eager to charge into a fray to hit you through a wall, all the while wearing thrift store flipflops or just going barefoot.



  1. Hipster vampires, oh no! D:

    This sounds like a neat premise. Like the art, too. :)

    1. Beware that which goes "meh" in the night. D:

      And yes, it's a very fun webcomic. Definitely one of my favorites. :)

  2. Wow this looks like a wild comic and character. As a D&D fan, this seems like a great series for me to read too. ^_^

    1. Indeed! There are a lot of great D&D webcomics out there although unfortunately most probably won't end up here. There is that one though...
