Friday, January 30, 2015

(mini-review) Earthsong - Willow


Willow is the main character and latest arrival to sentient world of Earthsong, the land where all mythological have their origins.  For much of the story it is unknown what Willow's race is and or where she comes from, making her a curious and potentially dangerous factor in the war being waged between Earthsong and the twisted, half dead planet known as Beluosus.

Friday, January 23, 2015

(mini-review) Olympus Overdrive - Zeus

Yep.  That Zeus.  When the gods compete in a magical tournament to determine the new ruler of the gods, they were all given new bodies to fit in on earth.  Zeus' new body is slightly more feminine than most people are used to.

I'm not dead yet

I'm feelin' better!  Well for the most part anyway.

A few things:
1. Yes, I am indeed alive.  Whatever the hell laid me out with coughing fits for most of the month has finally passed with no permanent effects.  I think.

2.  No it was not ebola.  People keep asking that and the question's getting a bit worn thin.

3.  The next person to even coughs near me: a pox on ye.  A pox on ye and ye entire family.  And yes, I realize there is a certain irony in wishing a pox on a sick person.

Now as for the this blog, I'm afraid to say that updates are going to continue to be sparse for a couple weeks.  With this illness I've not only fallen behind on this blog but on school work as well, and my focus right now is catching up on my classes.  Even though the idea of going an entire month without updating galls me beyond belief, the fact of the matter is that life has thrown a wrench into my plans for the site.

A double pox upon anyone who coughs near me again.  Seriously, I will INVENT new cuss words if I get sick again.

Of course there is an alternative.  I have a number of mini-updates ready that I could post to fill the space until I can get regular updates up and going again.  These "minis" would have less material than conventional updates (only 1 to 3 images) and likely wouldn't have a full review.  In short it would be a few weeks of filler, but it'd still be something I could post rather than leave the blog totally inactive until February.

Thanks for sticking with this niche of a blog and belated happy new year.


Sunday, January 11, 2015